I found the "Fire" theme for October quite difficult to interpret, but the thing that had popped into my head straight away was the lyrics from the Adele song Rolling in the Deep .... "There's a fire starting in my heart". So at first my idea was to make a heart in beautiful red silk. However, one of the ladies I go to night-school with, organised a course for us to go on. We went to The Museum of Sculpture in Berriew and made fabulous glass mosaics with Jessica Callan, who is working on a local art project called the Big Buzz. She had been into school and worked with KS3 pupils to create the most fantastic mosaics that will go on display in the canteen.We spent nearly 3 hours making our mosaics, and I really loved it. I think it was the liberal sprinkling of glitter that I enjoyed the most.
Jessica had already cut out wooden shapes for us to work on - I chose a heart. We drew around this onto a piece of newspaper and then chooses pieces of coloured and patterned glass and beads and sparkly bits and bobs to decorate our chosen shapes. The base was then covered with epoxy resin and the glass and beads transferred to our shapes. When these pieces are pressed down the resin plumps up between the shapes. I then added beads and sparkly bits and then it was time to give it all a VERY LIBERAL sprinkling of glitter. Then its was a very painstaking process of cleaning off all the little pieces with a small cloth dipped in water.
And finally it was time to take our works of art home - very carefully - unless everything was going to get covered in glitter! So here is my piece for the October theme of Fire - Set Fire To My Heart.